Would the real AODP please stand up?
Inclusion Daily ExpressIn its public response to an EEOC lawsuit claiming it discriminated against a man because of his blindness, UPS cited its "long-standing partnerships with many groups that support opportunities foe (?) the disabled, such as the American Foundation for the Blind, the National Organization on Disability and the American Organization of Disabled Persons."
The "American Organization of Disabled Persons"?
I've never heard of them.
So, I typed "American Organization of Disabled Persons" into Google, MSN, and Yahoo! search engines and found no results -- except for links to UPS' own response. Nothing disability-related popped up when I searched for "AODP".
What does it tell us about a business or individual that professes to have "long-standing partnerships" with disability groups, but cannot accurately name them?
Now, I could be wrong. So, if you know about AODP, please let me know. -- Dave Reynolds